We can make kitchen materials now that we know how nodes and the BSDF works. We'll start with simple metals for polished chrome, buffed steel, and cast iron. We'll use these on things such as the faucet and mirror in our kitchen.
First up, let's make the polished chrome:
- Open the Ch06_nodepractice_start.blend file.
- Add a new material to a new testing object. Name it chrome_polished.
- Change the Metallic attribute to 1. Again, BSDF materials should almost always have a metallic value of either 1 or 0.
- Change Roughness to 0.02. Even in laboratory settings, materials have tiny amounts of imperfection. Avoid putting the roughness at full 0 or 1.
That one was easy! Next, let's do the buff stainless steel:
- Select a new tester object, ...