Preparing the low resolution mesh for unwrapping

In this recipe, we'll fix the last details such as the position of some of the character's parts (for instance, the closed mouth) and in general, anything that is needed to facilitate the unwrapping.

Getting ready

To be more precise, before the unwrapping, we must perform the following tasks in the right order:

  1. Join the teeth and talons to the body.
  2. Create the vertex group for the mandible.
  3. Open the mouth.
  4. Mark the seams to unwrap the body.

So, open the Gidiosaurus_retopology.blend file and deactivate the layer with the armor to hide it; select the Gidiosaurus object and save the file as Gidiosaurus_unwrap.blend.

How to do it…

The simplest of the four tasks just so happens to be the first, joining the ...

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