As for the backend, we'll use bitcore in the client side, therefore we need to install the frontend component. For that, create a bower.json file in the views/ folder with the following content:
{ "dependencies": { "bitcore-lib": "^0.15.0", "bitcore-payment-protocol": "1.2.2" }}
Then run the following command (inside the views/ folder):
bower install
Next, we need to install a QR code library in the views/ directory:
git clone
Then create two files – index.html and main.js – in the views/ directory. In the first of these files, paste the following code:
<html><head> <script src="bower_components/bitcore-lib/bitcore-lib.js"></script> <script src="bower_components/bitcore-payment-protocol/bitcore-payment-protocol.min.js"> ...