Using the default homepage shipped with the Drizzle box, we will set up a web page for our game. Open the src/layouts/home/Home.js file and make the following changes:
import React, { Component } from 'react';import { AccountData, ContractData, ContractForm } from 'drizzle-react-components';import PropTypes from 'prop-types';import logo from '../../logo.png';class Home extends Component { constructor(props, context) { super(props); this.contracts = context.drizzle.contracts; } render() { return ( <main className="container"> <div className="pure-g"> <div className="pure-u-1-1 header"> <img src={logo} alt="drizzle-logo" /> <h1>Tontine Game</h1> <p>Examples of how to get started with Drizzle in various situations.</p>