
App.js has the following functions:

  • Use the injected web3 objected to connect to the Ganache blockchain and set the network in the navigation bar.
  • Asynchronously access MetaMask for account authorization.
  • Define the Transfer, Approve, and Mint methods for interacting with the token contracts.
  • Set the state and pass the relevant props to the container component before each operation (Approve, Mint, and Transfer) is carried out.

Let's look at the code:

  1. We will start writing App.js by first importing React, Web3, and the app components, as shown here:
import React, { Component } from 'react';import Web3 from 'web3'import Tokens20 from './Tokens/all20';import Tokens721 from './Tokens/all721';import Nav from './Components/Nav';import ...

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