Creating a new letter using SWAGGER

We can also create a new application for a letter of credit from the SWAGGER view. Select the InitialApplication API.

We're going to use the POST verb to create yet another application for Alice:

In the value box, paste the following data:

{  "$class": "org.example.loc.InitialApplication",  "letterId": "LPLAYGROUND2",  "applicant": "resource:org.example.loc.Customer#alice",  "beneficiary": "resource:org.example.loc.Customer#bob",  "rules": [   {    "$class": "org.example.loc.Rule",    "ruleId": "rule1",    "ruleText": "This is a test rule."   }  ],  "productDetails": {   "$class": "org.example.loc.ProductDetails", "productType": ...

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