Chapter 18

The Ten Rules to Never Break on the Blockchain


Bullet Discovering your legal vulnerabilities

Bullet Understanding the technical shortcomings of blockchains

Bullet Identifying thieves best points of attack on your systems

Bullet Developing your security best practices

In this chapter, I dig into the things you should take into account while working with blockchain technology and the cryptocurrencies that run them.

Remember Always consult your CPA and attorney before making financial decisions. This technology is new, and the rules that govern it are not fully developed.

Don’t Use Cryptocurrency or Blockchains to Skirt the Law

The legality and the legal zoning of cryptocurrencies are still fluctuating in many places of the world. I’m not kidding when I tell you to talk to your CPA and your attorney. It will be money well spent and will keep you out of trouble.

Here are three very silly questions that I get asked frighteningly often:

  • Can I use cryptocurrency as a way to hide money? This idea is ...

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