
List of Figures

2.1 Different milestones during the evolution of blockchain

2.2 Blockchain – a continuous sequence of blocks

2.3 An illustration of a block

2.4 Components of a block

2.5 A cryptographic hash function

2.6 Asymmetric key encryption in blockchain

2.7 Decentralized identifier (DID)

3.1 Working of blockchain

3.2 Creating blockchain account

3.3 Adding peers on the blockchain

3.4 Checking peer account

3.5 Checking account balances

3.6 Transacting on the blockchain

3.7 Key characteristics of blockchain

3.8 Input and output UTXOs references

3.9 Proof-of-work – Fault tolerance mechanism

3.10 Limenberg’s representation of hashgraph

4.1 Input of raw data

4.2 Different subdivisions of the raw data

4.3 Instance of a real coinbase transaction

4.4 Coinbase transaction: reward block

4.5 Bitcoin halving

4.6 Bitcoin debit card

4.7 Top fiat currencies in the world

4.8 Bitcoin value

4.9 Bitcoin hard forks

5.1 Working of Ethereum

5.2 Working of Hyperledger Fabric

5.3 B2B working of HPL

5.4 Comparison between centralized and distributed systems

6.1 Paper identities across the world

6.2 Digital identities across the world – North and South America

6.3 Digital identities across the world – Europe, Asia, and Africa

6.4 Aadhaar – An identity based on biometric and demographic data

6.5 Entities involved in UID project

6.6 Process of authentication

6.7 Budget and expenditure of UIDAI (in 10,000,000 INR)

6.8 Numbers of UID (Aadhaar) generated (× 10,000,000)

6.9 Saturation status ...

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