4 Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Agriculture Value Chain Performance: Agritech Perspective

C. Ganeshkumar

Indian Institute of Plantation Management, Bengaluru, India

Jeganthan Gomathi Sankar

BSSS Institute of Advanced Studies, Bhopal, India

Arokiaraj David

Department of Management Studies, St. Francis Institute of Management and Research, Mumbai, India

DOI: 10.1201/9781003264521-4

  1. 4.1 Introduction
  2. 4.2 Review of Literature
  3. 4.3 Research Methodology
  4. 4.4 Results and Discussion
  5. 4.4.1 Ranking of AI Value Chain Performance
  6. 4.4.2 Analysis of Agritech Industry Profile and AI Value Chain Performance
  7. 4.4.3 Association between Value Chain Position and AI Dimensions
  8. 4.4.4 AI Value Chain Performance
  9. 4.4.5 Value Chain Performance Dimension ...

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