Developing Your Overall Blog Layout

In This Chapter

arrow Exploring a variety of layout types

arrow Choosing a blog theme or framework

arrow Looking at options for laying out your home page’s main content

arrow Changing full posts to excerpts

arrow Including advertising that doesn’t scare away your readers

Every blog starts with a skeleton. In fact, one of the greatest things about using a blog platform is that you don’t have to build a site completely from scratch. Whether you’re designing your blog for the first time or going through a redesign, creating your overall blog layout is like forming the skeleton that you then flesh out with your design and content.

This chapter walks you through building that skeleton and then some. In this chapter, I talk about blog layout types as well as choosing a theme or framework that becomes the foundation for your blog design. I also discuss options for featuring content on your home page and show you ways to create blog post excerpts. In looking at your blog design as ...

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