Chapter 4

Playing a Bookkeeper’s Rhythm


check Meeting the deadlines for GST reporting

check Keeping tabs on payroll obligations

check Scheduling reports for management, tax and more

check Pulling together a record-keeping system

check Creating your bookkeeper’s calendar

Most books about bookkeeping focus purely on the technicalities of debits and credits, balancing bank accounts and creating financial reports. This stuff is good, but doesn’t address the core questions many novice bookkeepers ask: How do I organise my paperwork? What deadlines need to be met? How often should I do my books?

In my own business, while I get a sense of reward from the results that bookkeeping yields (essential reports, sales figures and so on), I don’t relish all that data entry, and I really, really hate filing. As a result, I do my own books with a ruthless efficiency, and with a personal motto never to handle a single piece of paper or email more than once.

So dear readers, this chapter is not about sharing the ...

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