Chapter 18
Staying on the Right Side of the Law
Registering as a BAS Agent — what’s involved and why it’s such a big deal
Being honest as a mirror, straight as an arrow
Ensuring that any information you submit is up to scratch
Putting systems in place to look after yourself, and your clients too
If you have your own bookkeeping business, or you’re thinking about starting your own bookkeeping business, you must first ensure you have all the necessary qualifications, experience, registrations and insurance in place.
Only bookkeepers who register with the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) — and have the experience and qualifications to do so — are able to provide ‘BAS services’ for their clients. The definition of BAS services is very broad, and includes relatively mundane activities, such as selecting default tax codes for accounts, as well as more complex tasks, such as generating employee payment summaries.
In this chapter, I provide a rundown of the legal framework for bookkeepers, including training requirements and professional standards of behaviour. I also touch ...
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