Chapter 5

Doing Business with Accounting Software

In This Chapter

Arguing the case — who needs accounting software anyway?

Putting software through its paces with some curly questions

Sizing up the main players

Implementing a new accounting system with minimum pain, maximum gain

Protecting your precious accounting data

Just in case you’re wondering, this chapter isn’t about how to use accounting software. Using accounting software and understanding how bookkeeping works are so completely intertwined that I try not to separate the two. Instead, I scatter explanations about using accounting software throughout this book, each time in the context of specific bookkeeping tasks.

In this chapter, I try to answer questions such as ‘What’s so great about accounting software anyway?’, ‘What software works best?’ and ‘Are all those promises that sweet software salesperson made going to come true?’(Sadly when it comes to software, there’s no such thing as a broken promise; only unfortunate misunderstandings.)

I also focus on how to get your new accounting system up and running, providing three unbeatable tips: Start at the right time of year (I’ll tell you when); do tasks logically step-by-step (I provide a list); and last, keep lots of fine dark chocolate close to hand. You’ll soon be firing on all four cylinders, speeding along the freeway to bookkeeping success.

What’s so Great about Accounting Software Anyway?

In my opinion, accounting software is one of those rare phenomena where a ...

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