Boom: Marketing to the Ultimate Power Consumer—the Baby Boomer Woman

Book description

With Baby Boomer women spending over a trillion dollars a year, the days of 40+ women being ignored by marketers are numbered

BOOM is a comprehensive guide to identifying, reaching and influencing these women. The book features insights and case histories from 40 top marketers, including executives from Intel, Ford, Seabourn Cruises, Citigroup, Wellpoint, Mary Kay, and more.

Key features

  • This is the only book on marketing to this specific demographic. Baby Boomers are the largest generational demographic today, and women not only outnumber men, but also influence as much as 80% of household purchase decisions

  • Includes: The Eight Things You May Not Know About Boomer Women But Should, the Imago Diagnostic (ID), an assessment tool to help marketers identify what makes Baby Boomer women tick and more

  • Table of contents

    1. Copyright
      1. Dedication
    2. Foreword
    3. Authors’ Note
    4. Acknowledgments
    5. Introduction: She’s the Emerging Power Consumer
      1. A Prize Worth the Risk
      2. Insider’s Intelligence
      3. Visionary Marketers
      4. Missionary Zeal
      5. What You’ll Learn
    6. One. She’s the Sweet Spot: The New Demographic of Choice
      1. The Convergence of Two Major Trends
      2. The Generational Angle
      3. A Competitive Advantage
      4. She’s Her Own Unique Demographic
      5. Busting the Stereotypes
      6. Adult Development Models Playing Catch-Up
      7. New Research Fills in the Gaps
      8. Beyond Walls of Shame
      9. Advances in Healthcare
      10. The Impact of High-Tech
      11. On the Possibility of a “Boomergeddon”
      12. No Easy Mark
      13. A Look Ahead
    7. Two. She’s Complex: Why There’s No Such Thing as “The” Baby Boomer Woman
      1. Chronological Assumptions
      2. Generational Influencers
      3. An Overlay of Status
      4. Promise and Peril of Nostalgia
      5. Retailers Who Get Her
      6. Gender Differences
      7. Another Word About the Differences Between Men and Women
      8. Cultural Differences
      9. Economic Considerations
    8. Three. She’s Her Stage, Not Her Age: Leveraging Her Life Transitions
      1. Life Stage Marketing
      2. The Empty Nest
      3. Engaging the Post-Family Guest
      4. Painting Her Life Stage Portraits
      5. 1. Body and Soul
        1. Portrait of the Trailing-Edge Boomer
          1. Redefining Fitness
          2. Marketing to Her
          3. The Flip Side
        2. Portrait of the Leading-Edge Boomer
          1. Fitness as the Foundation of the Well-Lived Life
          2. Marketing to Her
          3. The Flip Side
      6. 2. Work and Money
        1. Portrait of the Trailing-Edge Boomer
          1. Money Maven
          2. Marketing to Her
          3. The Flip Side
        2. Portrait of the Leading-Edge Boomer
          1. Switching Gears
          2. Marketing to Her
          3. The Flip Side
      7. 3. Leisure and Travel
        1. Portrait of the Trailing-Edge Boomer
          1. Household CTC
          2. Marketing to Her
          3. The Flip Side
        2. Portrait of the Leading-Edge Boomer
          1. Indiana Jane
          2. Marketing to Her
          3. The Flip Side
      8. 4. Home and Family
        1. Portrait of the Trailing-Edge Boomer
          1. Homeowner Handywoman
          2. Marketing to Her
          3. The Flip Side
        2. Portrait of the Leading-Edge Boomer
          1. Ultimate Caretaker
          2. Marketing to Her
          3. The Flip Side
      9. 5. Technology
        1. Portrait of the Trailing-Edge Boomer
          1. Cyber Savvy Sophisticate
          2. Marketing to Her
          3. The Flip Side
        2. Portrait of the Leading-Edge Boomer
          1. Digital Diva
          2. Marketing to Her
          3. The Flip Side
      10. Operationalizing the Portraits
    9. Four. She’s Motivated: The 3-D View of Her
      1. The Cutting Edge of Marketing
      2. Motivational Factors
      3. She’s Dynamic—Not Invisible
      4. Outgrowing Old Programming
      5. The Three Archetypes
        1. Archetype One: The Conventional Boomer Woman
        2. Archetype Two: The Transitional Boomer Woman
        3. Archetype Three: The Aspirational Boomer Woman
      6. The Imago Diagnostic
      7. Motivational Marketing Opportunities
        1. The Conventional Boomer Woman
        2. The Transitional Boomer Woman
        3. The Aspirational Boomer Woman
      8. Seasoned Sexuality
      9. The Search for Meaning
      10. Increasing with Age
    10. Five. She’s in the Driver’s Seat: She’ll Problem-Solve Her Own Way Through the Marketplace
      1. His and Her Marketing
      2. How the Baby Boomer Woman Shops
        1. Phase 1: Need/Problem Recognition
        2. Phase 2: Search for Information
        3. Phase 3: Evaluation of Alternatives
        4. Phase 4: Choice/Purchase Decision
        5. Phase 5: Post-Purchase Evaluation
      3. Transparent Marketing
      4. Overt Marketing
      5. Winning Her Loyalty
    11. Six. She’s Changing Channels: Shaping the New Brandscape
      1. Relationships Rule
      2. Match the Organizational Archetype
      3. Grassroots Growth
      4. Traditional Woman-to-Woman Networks
      5. The Influencer Revolution
      6. Word-of-Mouth
      7. Extending the Reach
      8. The Changing Role of Public Relations
      9. The Influence of the Internet
      10. Developing the Online Experience
      11. Uni-Channel Marketing
      12. Moving Across Channels
      13. Making Waves
    12. Seven. She’s Waiting: The Marketer’s Call to Action
      1. The Facts Speak for Themselves
      2. Early Adopters
      3. The New Marketing Universe
      4. Call to Action: Marketing Directors
      5. Beyond the Maverick
      6. Call to Action: Corporations
      7. Call to Action: Boomer Women Executives
      8. Call to Action: Women Baby Boomers, Themselves
      9. The Final Call: Market Researchers
    13. Notes
      1. Introduction
      2. Chapter One
      3. Chapter Two
      4. Chapter Three
      5. Chapter Four
      6. Chapter Five
      7. Chapter Six
    14. Resources
      1. Recommended Reading
      2. Marketing to Women
        1. Books
        2. Newsletters/Blogs
      3. Marketing to Baby Boomers
        1. Books
        2. Newsletters/Blogs
      4. Marketing to Baby Boomer Women
        1. Newsletters
      5. Adult Development
        1. Books
    15. About the Authors

    Product information

    • Title: Boom: Marketing to the Ultimate Power Consumer—the Baby Boomer Woman
    • Author(s): Mary Brown, Ph.D. Carol Orsborn, Paco Underhill
    • Release date: September 2006
    • Publisher(s): AMACOM
    • ISBN: None