- In the chapter8/start/app folder, open the file titled recipe08-07.ejs and paste the following code in it:
<%- partial("partial/_0807-01-recipe-intro") %><%- partial("partial/_0807-02-style-tag") %><%- partial("partial/_0807-03-nav-tabs-menu") %><%- partial("partial/_0807-04-the-actual-tabs-content") %>
- Next, open the partial folder, then open the file titled _0807-01-recipe-intro and paste the following code in it:
<!-- _0807-01-recipe intro --><div class="container"> <h2 class="mt-5 pb-3">Recipe 08-07: Positioning Nav-tabs with Flexbox</h2> <p class="mt-4">In this recipe we will look at positioning nav-tabs with flexbox.</p> <p class="mt-4">We will also utilize several partials to create a complex nav-tabs menu.</p> ...