How to do it...

  1. Open a new command-line window and, using it, navigate to chapter9/start/grunt. Run the grunt command.
  2. Open the chapter9/start folder. Locate the file titled main.scss, open it in your code editor, and paste in the following code:
// Core variables and mixins@import "./bower_components/bootstrap/scss/_variables";@import "./bower_components/bootstrap/scss/_mixins";@import "./bower_components/bootstrap/scss/_custom";// Reset and dependencies@import "./bower_components/bootstrap/scss/_normalize";@import "./bower_components/bootstrap/scss/_print";// Core CSS@import "./bower_components/bootstrap/scss/_reboot";@import "./bower_components/bootstrap/scss/_type";@import "./bower_components/bootstrap/scss/_images";@import "./bower_components/bootstrap/scss/_code"; ...

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