
It is a fact. Boring meetings waste our time, energy, and talent, and they waste our employer's precious dollars.

We want to be productive in our workday. We want to show something positive for our work efforts. Meetings are there to help the work process along. A meeting is not an end in and of itself. Let's put meetings in their proper place! You don't have to sit back passively and take it. You can help the meeting flow more smoothly. You can help the facilitator get to and keep to the point when someone in the room is threatening to derail the meeting—or when the facilitator him- or herself is getting off track (or never found the right track in the first place).

Everyone who has to attend meetings in their work-a-day life must take charge. It is totally up to you. You can either sit back for the rest of your working life and just gripe and moan about how meetings waste your time, or you can do something about it. It is in your hands to change the world of meetings forever!

Have your team use this book. As previously mentioned, you don't need to read the whole thing. It's broken up into easy sections and chapters so you are able to jump right into what you need based on the meeting types you have. Keep it handy as a reference tool or supply it to every company library so the true Bore No More! movement can begin to take hold.

I wish you luck, and if you need any help—or more crazy advice on how to make meetings more bearable, and more memorable—don't hesitate to ...

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