A “Warp 6” Overview of UML
The Object Management Group (OMG) defines UML as a language that “helps you specify, visualize, and document models of software systems, including their structure and design” (see http://www.omg.org/gettingstarted/what_is_uml.htm).
UML has been around for more than five years now; version 1.1 of UML was adopted by the OMG in late 1997. It was born out of the “unification” of various object modeling languages that grew in the 1980s and early 90s. Even though it encompasses the ideals of other languages—such as Booch, OOSE, OMT, and others—it does so with a reasonably small set of symbols and diagrams. UML provides extensibility through stereotyping some of these symbols, so that the overall vocabulary remains manageable. ...
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