APPENDIXTools for Families (and Advisors)

Here are some practical tools that we have developed to help families as they enter the journey to become generative families. They each help a family to learn about itself and begin a conversation about becoming a generative family. They can be used by the family on its own, or with an advisor.

Defining Personal, Family, and Business Values:

The Values Edge Process employs Values Cards as a tool to help an individual, couple, family, or team to define their Personal Values Pyramid, and then create together a Family or Team Values Statement. It utilizes a model of seven values categories—Mastery, Self-Expression, Tradition, Relationship, Inner Development, Lifestyle, and Social—to help individuals and families explore their values in relation to their personal motivations and life choices. The value categories are color coded to identify them easily. (See Figure A.1.)

Each kit includes decks of values cards, along with colored stickers for transferring values to a Display Card that preserves each person's Values Pyramid in a visible format that can be worn as a name card. By sharing personal values arranged in colorful pyramids, people in a family or a work team can easily experience their similarities and differences. It includes a Facilitators' Manual to guide a Values Discovery Session, which might include exploring personal values, and also defining team or family values.

Figure A.1 Sample Personal Values Pyramid.

Figure ...

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