©  David C. Evans 2017

David C. Evans, Bottlenecks, 10.1007/978-1-4842-2580-6_4

4. Gestalt Perception

David C. Evans

(1)Kenmore, Washington, USA

Congratulations, your meme has penetrated a brain. It survived the attentional bottleneck. Now it needs to be interpreted as you intended; otherwise, we will not be able to decide its value to us. This is the perceptual bottleneck. We must interpret your carefully-arranged pixels to be that precise thing with that precise function that you intended, be it a download button, a play button, or even a dinosaur. If we do not, our attention will move on to something else.

You may feel that all you need to do to ensure we interpret your elements correctly is to label them well. But as you saw in the last chapter, ...

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