Introduction:Boundless: A New Mindset for Unlimited Business Success

“At times like these, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the scale of the challenges we face, and the speed of each new crisis. But many complex problems have simple solutions. Sometimes you just need to decide to do something. Sometimes you just have to show up with a sandwich or some warm rice and beans.”

—Chef José Andrés, World Central Kitchen

Before 2010, Chef José Andrés was best known for being one of the great chefs of the world, having trained in his native Spain at El Bulli, the restaurant widely considered the best in the world at that time, a pioneer in molecular cuisine and still considered one of the most influential and important restaurants ever, before opening his own restaurants in the US. His cuisine was, and largely still is, what we might call high end or haute cuisine, attracting a relatively affluent clientele to his highly regarded restaurants. But watching the Hurricane Katrina disaster unfold on the TV one night, he was struck by scenes at the New Orleans Superdome where hundreds of newly homeless people were sheltered but without any obvious signs of activity from relief organizations or volunteers. It was this inactivity that drove him to fly to Haiti in the aftermath of the earthquake there, with no plan, no team, only a credit card and a deep desire to act, to do something to help.

That experience led Chef José Andrés to create World Central Kitchen (WCK); to respond to humanitarian, ...

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