Destroying bricks and killing pigs in Angry Birds
Take the last example of Chapter 4, Applying Forces to Bodies, the one with the working sling, and let's start working on it.
- First, as usual, let's add some custom data to bricks, giving them a name in the
function:private function brick(pX:int,pY:int,w:Number,h:Number):void { var bodyDef:b2BodyDef=new b2BodyDef(); bodyDef.position.Set(pX/worldScale,pY/worldScale); bodyDef.type=b2Body.b2_dynamicBody; bodyDef.userData="brick"; var polygonShape:b2PolygonShape=new b2PolygonShape(); polygonShape.SetAsBox(w/2/worldScale,h/2/worldScale); var fixtureDef:b2FixtureDef=new b2FixtureDef(); fixtureDef.shape=polygonShape; fixtureDef.density=2; fixtureDef.restitution=0.4; fixtureDef.friction=0.5; var ...
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