A LOT OF PEOPLE SAY e-mail marketing is dead. We'll refer to those people as idiots. E-mail marketing is not dead. Most people are just doing it wrong. It is still one of the most effective methods of communicating with your audience. If you're not building a healthy list of e-mail subscribers, you are leaving a lot of money on the table.
Let me be perfectly clear that I am not talking about spamming people. If every e-mail you send to your subscribers is a sales promotion, you are doing it wrong. Very wrong. E-mail is an excellent avenue to get your content to those who are looking forward to it.
Sure, you can promote your products and services to your e-mail subscribers and you should. But if that's the only thing you do, you're going to be one of those people who think e-mail is dead. Remember what we call them?
Let's go over each element of an effective e-mail so you can start to use this formula in your marketing today.
The most important part of any e-mail is the subject line. Your subject line is basically like a headline. It's one of the biggest determining factors in whether or not someone will open your e-mail. If your e-mails don't get opened, they don't get read. If they don't get read, then they can't read your content or promotional offer. This means you don't make money, and that's not cool.
I spend more time writing the subject line than I do the body of the e-mail. It's that important. You want a subject line that will not only get attention but ...