CHAPTER 5Q3: Seeing Where: Breakthrough Service
In the first half of your day, you intentionally develop your two greatest breakthrough resources—yourself and your team. Just finding breakthrough confidence in your elite strengths and building breakthrough cooperative relationships with your complementary teammates will take you further than most people can even imagine.
But you aren't most people, you are BIOnic—a Breakthrough Impact Optimization expert!
In Q3, you will channel your developing strengths and resources in order to answer the where: where are you needed? You pivot away from focusing inward so you can be of greater service to the world. You still have the opportunity to test and exponentially improve yourself and your team, but now you'll gain insight into issues that your breakthrough can solve. You'll sharpen your vision of how your breakthroughs can impact the world—and where the world needs that impact.
Vision is the Q3 sense, and the one we value most as a society. We talk and think about sight more than any other sense, and we highly value the information we see. Even the language we use around sight is elevated—we are perceptive, keen‐eyed visionaries with colorful ideas who reflect, and see clearly with foresight. Seeing is believing! Avoid tunnel vision at all costs. No one operates well with blinders on. What we see is what we know.
It's true that what we see is the majority of what we know. Our eyes can process over 36,000 pieces of information each ...
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