Chapter 6
Retaining Quality Baby Boomers
“By 2012, the group of workers aged 55 and older will grow to 19.1 percent of the total workforce,” says Leslie Stevens-Huffman in her article “Could Your Best New Hire be a ‘Recareering Boomer’?” (Stevens-Huffman 2005). And according to James L’Allier, Ph.D., and Kenneth Kolosh in “Preparing for Baby Boomer Retirement,” 79 percent of Boomers plan to work in some capacity during their retirement years (L’Allier 2005). Do you want the best and the brightest in this age group working for your company? Now is the time to establish a work environment that compels them to stay.
I’m often asked if it’s really possible to satisfy driven, relentlessly materialistic, “I want it all” Baby Boomers.
Sure. ...

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