20 brill iant verbal reason ing
After taking a practice test
G Set aside a time when you will not be interrupted.
G Circle any incorrect answers.
G Go through each answer explanation for those questions
you got wrong.
It is really important to review your
progress regularly. Reflect upon the
way you completed the practice test
as well as your overall perform-
ance. Focus on how you can avoid making the same mistake
again. Try highlighting the answer explanations that you found
most useful so you can review them again and again. If you do
this just before your next practice session it will help instil the
correct way of working in your mind.
Progress review
When you review your performance, ask yourself the following
G How many questions did I get right?
G How many questions did I get wrong?
G If this is not your first practice session Have I improved?
G What have I learnt?
G Are there particular types of question that I get wrong?
G Is there one specific thing that the answer explanation
taught me? Have I applied this learning point correctly the
next time around?
It may be the last thing you want to do after taking the actual test,
but on your test day you should also reflect on what if any
questions you struggled with. This will help you target improvement
areas if you face another verbal reasoning test.
review your progress
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Common concerns
If you are feeling apprehensive about your test take comfort
from knowing that you are not alone many people find the
prospect of sitting a test quite daunting. Let’s look at a few
common concerns.
Help! I don’t have much time
Ideally you will have sufficient time to plan your practice ses-
sions over a period of several weeks as many test-taking
strategies take time to develop. For readers with very limited
time to get ready, the first priority is to complete those practice
questions most relevant to you in Part 2. This will prepare you
for what to expect and improve your overall confidence. Then
read the strategic tips on test taking in Chapter 3.
Sample timetables
If you have 1 day . . .
Read through the tactics and techniques in Chapter 3. Spend as much time as you
can familiarising yourself with your test format, using the relevant chapter in Part 2.
If you have 1 week . . .
Plan at least two practice sessions and start with the most relevant questions in Part
2. The chapters in Part 2 increase in difficulty level, so move backwards or forwards
through Part 2 depending on whether you need to build your confidence with easier
questions or challenge yourself with tougher questions. In addition to the test-taking
tactics in Chapter 3 there are tips and strategies throughout all the chapters. Reading
and applying these will help improve your overall speed and accuracy so it is worth
scanning every chapter for tips.
If you have 1 month . . .
Follow the above plan, but schedule in regular (at least bi-weekly) practice sessions
over the course of the month, taking care to review and learn from the answer
explanations. Each chapter in Part 2 has an Additional Resources box, which
suggests online practice testing sites. If time permits, try taking these online practice
Practice makes perfect 21
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