Chapter 16

Taking in the Courts and Judiciary

In This Chapter

arrow Delving into the UK’s three legal systems

arrow Differentiating between civil and criminal law

arrow Examining the legal systems of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland

arrow Looking at the role of the judges and the courts in the constitution

arrow Judging in the European Union courts

arrow Protecting civil liberties through the courts

The courts and judiciary are a key part of the British state and play a huge role in determining the nation’s unwritten constitution and protecting the individual from the potential abuses of the state. And increasingly, with civil liberties being squeezed, the courts are becoming a real bastion of British liberties.

In this chapter I examine the ins and outs of the UK court system from east to west, north to south, and small claims court to the UK Supreme Court. If you want to know what goes on behind the doors ...

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