Chapter 22

Leading the Free World: US Politics

In This Chapter

arrow Charting the US’s influence in the UK and around the world

arrow Focusing on how the US government works

arrow Getting laws passed in the US

arrow Judging disputes: the work of the Supreme Court

arrow Looking at political parties and influences

The United States is the only superpower in the world at the moment. Although some argue that the US is in decline, it’s still at the heart of international politics. Ask any British politician which relationship is most important to the UK and he’ll answer ‘the United States’. No understanding of the wider world, and for that matter Britain’s place within it, is possible without knowledge of the inner workings of the US political system, from the role of Congress and the Supreme Court to that of the president, unarguably the planet’s number-one politico.

If you want to know more about the premier nation in the world and why so often what the president says goes, this is the chapter for you.

Understanding ...

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