Chapter 17
Ten Creative Ways to Budget
Following a spending challenge
Practicing good money thoughts
One of the ways I’ve been able to stick to budgeting for as long as I have is by getting creative. I can only continue to pack the same lunch for so long before I want to chuck it in the trash before work. But I’ve made budgeting a game by doing different challenges and working on my money mindset. Not only do I love games, but I also love winning. In this chapter, I explain how I reset my budget when I need to so I can save money for my next adventure.
Make a No Spending Rule
One of the first budget challenges I ever participated in was a no-spend challenge. A no-spend challenge is almost exactly as it sounds: You don’t spend any money for a set amount of time on certain predetermined items in your budget. (You can spend money on other things.) Some people stick to covering only their basics, but some people go even farther to save their cash.
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