
The research team — Bruce Alderman (Paris), Eric Hansen (Berlin), Anna Nicoll (Madrid), Cesare Petrillo (Rome), Terry Ilott (London) — acknowledges the generous assistance and information they have received in the preparation of this work from the following: Centre National de la Cinématographic, Unifrance, British Screen, Espace Video Européen, Screen Digest, Entertainment Data International, European Film File, London Economics, Dodona Research and the British Film Institute. We would especially like to thank producers Ann Scott, David Puttnam, Dieter Geissler, Jean-Luc Defait, Alain Rocca, Stephen Evans, Jonathan Cavendish, Agustfn Almodóvar, Bo Christensen, Bernd Eichinger, Claudio Bonivento, Enzo Porcelli, Ingrid Dahlberg, ...

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