© Fu Cheng 2017

Fu Cheng, Build Mobile Apps with Ionic 2 and Firebase, 10.1007/978-1-4842-2737-4_13

13. Publish

Fu Cheng

(1)Sandringham, Auckland, New Zealand

After the app has been developed and tested, it’s time to publish it.

Icons and Splash Screens

Before the app can be published, we need to replace the default icons and splash screens . Ionic can generate icons and splash screens from source images to create images of various sizes for each platform. We only need to provide an image for icon and another image for splash screen, then Ionic can generate all necessary images. Source images can be .png file, .psd file from PhotoShop or .ai file from Adobe Illustrator.

For icons, the source image should be file icon.png, icon.psd or icon.ai in the ...

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