Adding Slots to an Intent

The Star Port 75 Travel skill needs to be able to book trips for spacefaring adventurers based on three parameters: the destination, the departure date, and the return date. To enable this, we’ll add a new intent to the skill that accepts those parameters in slots. But first, let’s start by writing a BST test specification that captures and asserts what we want the intent to do:

  locales: ​en-US
 - test: ​Schedule a trip
 - ​"​​Schedule​ ​a​ ​trip​ ​to​ ​Mercury​ ​leaving​ ​Friday​ ​and​ ​returning​ ​next​ ​Thursday"​:
  - prompt: ​I've got you down for a trip to Mercury,
 leaving on Friday and returning next Thursday.
 --- ...

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