Submitting for Certification and Publication

You can use the ASK CLI to submit a skill for certification using the ask smapi submit-skill-for-certification command. This command only requires that the skill ID be given via the --skill-id parameter. For example:

 $​ ask smapi submit-skill-for-certification ​\
  --skill-id amzn1.ask.skill.28e3f37-2b4-4b5-849-bcf4f2e081
 Command executed successfully!

This submits the skill. If it passes certification, then it will automatically be published and made available in all locales specified in the skill’s manifest. You may, however, specify that it should only be certified without publication by specifying the --publication-method parameter:

 $​ ask smapi submit-skill-for-certification ​\
  --skill-id ...

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