Build to Lead: How Lego Bricks Can Make You a Better Leader
Harnessing the Power of Play at Work
What if you could harness the power of play—something we all knew but most of us forgot—to empower your teams, and at the same time help you realize creative and powerful solutions in the face of today’s business challenges? There is a tried-and-true process—Lego Serious Play—that is guaranteed to expand your leadership capacity and deliver predictable and consistently productive results. You will learn how and why this tool boosts both individual and team productivity. It sounds almost too good to be true, but, yes, playing with Lego bricks can help make you and your team more productive (see Figure 1-1). And who doesn’t love an excuse to play with Lego bricks?
Lego Serious Play is a facilitated team-thinking and problem-solving process in which you build Lego models in response to challenge questions, such as “Build a barrier to teamwork.” The process has a variety of applications that can be used for problem solving, strategy development, feedback, ideation, product development, relationship building, goal setting, debriefing, and performance reviews. And the 3D representations create an easy to understand, level playing field where everybody has a voice and everybody can express his or her thoughts. It’s an incredibly effective ...
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