database tables, and work with advanced, dynamic ASP.NET pages that query,
insert, update, and delete information within a database.
All examples provided in the book are written in both Visual Basic and C#, the
two most popular languages for creating ASP.NET web sites. The examples start
at beginners’ level and proceed to more advanced levels. As such, no prior
knowledge of either language is required in order to read, understand, learn from,
and apply the knowledge provided in this book. Experience with other program-
ming or scripting languages (such as JavaScript) will certainly grease the wheels,
though, and should enable you to grasp fundamental programming concepts more
What’s in this Book?
This book comprises the following chapters. Read them from beginning to end
to gain a complete understanding of the subject, or skip around if you feel you
need a refresher on a particular topic.
Chapter 1: Introducing ASP.NET
Before you can start building your database-driven web presence, you must
ensure that you have the right tools for the job. In this first chapter, you’ll
learn how to find, download, and configure the .NET Framework. You’ll learn
where the web server is located, and how to install and configure it. Next,
we’ll walk through the installation of the Microsoft database solution: SQL
Server 2005. Finally, we’ll create a simple ASP.NET page to make sure that
everything’s running and properly configured.
Chapter 2: ASP.NET Basics
In this chapter, you’ll create your first useful ASP.NET page. We’ll explore
all of the components that make up a typical ASP.NET page, including dir-
ectives, controls, and code. Then, we’ll walk through the process of deploy-
ment, focusing specifically on allowing the user to view the processing of a
simple ASP.NET page through a web browser.
Chapter 3: VB and C# Programming Basics
In this chapter, we’ll look at two of the programming languages that are used
to create ASP.NET pages: VB and C#. You’ll learn about the syntax of the
two languages as we explore the concepts of variables, data types, conditionals,
loops, arrays, functions, and more. Finally, we’ll see how the two languages
accommodate Object Oriented Programming principles by allowing you to
work with classes, methods, properties, inheritance, and so on.