to run ASP.NET. You’re likely to have the .NET Framework already, as it
installs automatically through the Windows Update service.
.NET Framework Software Development Kit (SDK)
The .NET Framework 2.0 Software Development Kit (SDK) is a free down-
load that contains the necessary Web Application development tools, a de-
bugger for error correcting, and a suite of samples and documentation.
We’re also going to need a database. In this book, we’ll use the following:
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
This is the free, but still fully functional, version of SQL Server 2005. If you
worked with previous versions of these technologies, you should know that
SQL Server 2005 Express is a replacement for the previous Microsoft SQL
Data Engine (MSDE). You can read more on the differences between various
SQL Server 2005 editions at the Microsoft site.
SQL Server Management Studio Express
Because the Express Edition of SQL Server doesn’t ship with any visual
management tools, you can use this free tool, also developed by Microsoft,
to access your SQL Server 2005 databases.
Installing the Web Server
Installing Internet Information Services (IIS)
IIS comes with most versions of server-capable Windows operating systems—in-
cluding Windows 2000 Professional, Server, and Advanced Server; Windows XP
Professional; Windows XP Media Center Edition; and Windows Server 2003—but
it’s not installed automatically in all versions, which is why it may not be present
on your computer. IIS isn’t available for Home editions of these operating systems,
such as Windows XP Home Edition. If you run this, you’ll need to rely on Cassini,
which we discuss below.
To see whether you have IIS installed and running, simply locate your Adminis-
trative Tools folder (sometimes it’s a menu option; sometimes it’s a folder in the
Control Panel
) and check whether or not it contains a shortcut to Internet In-
formation Services. If the shortcut isn’t visible, then it’s not installed. To install
IIS, simply follow these steps:
To see this folder, you’ll need to view the Control Panel in “classic view.”
Chapter 1: Introducing ASP.NET and the .NET Platform