Relational Database Design Concepts
It is said that data becomes information when we give significance to it. When
we draw tables on paper to decide the logical design of a database, we actually
include significant information about our application (and about the business
for which the application is used). In Figure 7.12, for example, we can see that
the employee Zak Ruvalcaba works in the Executive department.
Figure 7.12. Information about employees
We’ve seen how, in order to optimize data storage and better protect the integrity
of our data, we can extract independent pieces of data, such as department names,
and save them in separate tables, such as the Department table. However, as we
did so, we kept the significance of the original information intact by including
references to the new tables in our existing table. For example, in the Employees
table we have a DepartmentID column that specifies the department in which
each employee works, as Figure 7.13 illustrates.
This separation of data helps us to eliminate redundant information—for example,
we’d expect to have many employees in each department, but we don’t need to
replicate the department name for each of those employees. Instead, each employ-
ee record refers to the ID of the appropriate department. The benefits of this
approach would be more obvious if more data (such as a department description)
was associated with each department; copying all that data for each employee
would generate even more redundancy.
These kinds of relationships exist between the HelpDesk, HelpDeskCategories,
HelpDeskStatus, and HelpDeskSubjects tables. Each record in HelpDesk will
store a help desk request. Now, if we stored all the request information in a single
table, its records would look like those shown in Figure 7.14.
Chapter 7: Database Design and Development