Note that we’re using the IN operator instead of the equality operator (=). We
do so because our subquery could return a list of values. For example, if we added
another department with the name “Product Engineering,” or accidentally added
another Engineering record to the Departments table, our subquery would return
two IDs. So, whenever we’re dealing with subqueries like this, we should use the
IN operator unless we’re absolutely certain that the subquery will return only one
Querying Multiple Tables
When using queries that involve multiple tables, it’s useful to take a look at
the database diagram you created in Chapter 7 to see what columns exist in
each table, and to get an idea of the relationships between the tables.
Table Joins
An inner join allows you to read and combine data from two tables between
which a relationship is established. In Chapter 7, we created such a relationship
between the Employees table and the Departments table using a foreign key.
Let’s make use of this relationship now, to obtain a list of all employees in the
engineering department:
SELECT Employees.Name
FROM Departments
INNER JOIN Employees ON Departments.DepartmentID =
WHERE Departments.Department LIKE '%Engineering'
The first thing to notice here is that we qualify our column names by preceding
them with the name of the table to which they belong, and a period character
(.). We use Employees.Name rather than Name, and Departments.DepartmentID
instead of DepartmentID. We need to specify the name of the table whenever
the column name exists in more than one table (as is the case with DepartmentID);
in other cases (such as with Employees.Name), adding the name of the table is
As an analogy, imagine that you have two colleagues at work named John. John
Smith works in the same department as you, and his desk is just across the aisle.
John Thomas, on the other hand, works in a different department on a different
floor. When addressing a large group of colleagues, you would use John Smith’s
full name, otherwise people could become confused. However, it would quickly
become tiresome if you always used John Smith’s full name when dealing with
Table Joins