Chapter 15Pushing the Boundaries with LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®
In the previous 14 chapters we have outlined the territory that defines the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY method, the theories supporting and informing it, and finally where and how it is being applied. Now we want to conclude with reflecting on how it can help push boundaries. What these boundaries are we will explore later in this chapter. First, a little bit of context.
Since the inception of LEGO SERIOUS PLAY at the end of the previous century, the world has undergone many changes. Currently, it is facing numerous challenges with an economy that has gone from exuberantly high to depressingly low and is now in a state of cautious optimism. During its life span over the past 15 years, the method has been much more widely used in the period since the world economy hit its low in 2008 than the one before when economic growth seemed to be a given. Only a part of this difference in the usage of LEGO SERIOUS PLAY can be attributed to the new community distribution model. Since it is our belief that the new business model only partly explains the traction that it is gaining, we will not, in the following pages, be reflecting upon how to push the boundaries of the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY method itself, but upon which boundaries we see the method being able to push in future development of businesses and society in general.
This may be surprising since we live in a period that is in love with anything that is new (some would claim that our society ...
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