© Jarrett Goldfedder 2020
J. GoldfedderBuilding a Data Integration Teamhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5653-4_6

6. A Sample ETL Project

Jarrett Goldfedder1 
Vienna, VA, USA

There is no better insurance than the knowledge of how to do something the right way. There is no greater peace of mind than knowing you did it the right way.

—Jerry G. West1


At this point, your team is in place, you have your documentation ready for writing, and you’ve picked out an ETL tool. We still have a few nitty-gritty details to hammer out, but before we dive deeper, I’d like to take this chapter to build a prototype. Because this is not a book on building a team and not a specific ETL solution, we’ll walk through the steps one at a time, focusing more ...

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