Appendix A. Cocoa Resources
Although you now know enough to write a Cocoa application, the truth of the matter is that we have only scratched the surface of what there is to learn. There are dozens of classes that we haven’t explained. There are frameworks that we’ve only hinted at. There’s a lot of functionality that we didn’t include because, frankly, it still has bugs. And finally, there’s the fact that Cocoa is still a work-in-progress, with Apple sure to make more changes.
So, now that we’ve reached the end of this little course in learning Cocoa, what we hope to leave you with is instructions for finding out more. Fortunately, there are many, many Cocoa references online. We’ve tried to assemble a list of some here. You’ll find still more on the Web. The references included here were accurate as of the time this book went to press, but some may have changed by the time you read the book.
For additional information about the material presented in this book, we recommend that you first check this book’s own web site, located at:
At this site, you’ll find the book’s sample code available for download, errata, and other book-related information, such as plans for future editions.
Apple Resources
Over the years Apple has made a significant effort to make the Macintosh a friendly platform for developers and users alike. With Mac OS X, Apple has redoubled its efforts. A staggering amount of technical information for the Mac OS X platform ...
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