Configuring a new Raspberry Pi

The following steps are specific to Raspberry Pi, so if you are using a different embedded device or you want a different type of setup, search the web about how to set up your board. To set up an Raspberry Pi 1, 2, or 3 (including their variants such as Raspberry Pi Zero, Raspberry Pi 2B, 3B, and so on, and Raspberry Pi 1A+ if you plug in a USB Ethernet dongle), follow these steps:

  1. Get a fairly new, good quality micro-SD card of at least 8 GB. If you use a cheap micro-SD card or an old micro-SD card that you already used many times before and it has degraded in quality, it might not be reliable enough to boot the Raspberry Pi, so if you have trouble booting the Raspberry Pi, you should try a good quality Class ...

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