Chapter 1
From Groundbreaking to Grand Opening: Constructing Your Website Step by Step
Setting up your site for success
Considering the best platform for your needs
Designing a look and feel that works
Getting and analyzing website results
You've embarked on an incredible journey with a remarkable goal: to build an website for your business or endeavor that attracts visitors and converts leads.
You may have tried to build a website in the past, but were left feeling frustrated, angry, or even worse, you lost time and money. Well, that is all over now. I am here to walk with you through every step of the process.
I've been working with people just like you for several decades and I know what questions you have. I know where you can get stuck. I know where a non-technical person needs some help. Most importantly, I know that you want to get the job done and don't want to repeat the process later! This chapter helps you set the stage for building an excellent website and outlines the sequence of steps you'll follow to build an effective, compelling, and modern site ...
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