Creating an estimate

Let's use the Pricing Calculator to estimate the overall cost of this solution. For our web app hosted on App Engine, let's suppose we'll keep four instances of our app running at all times:

  1. In the Pricing Calculator, click on the APP ENGINE.
  2. Under App Engine standard environment instances, set Instances per hour to 4 and click on ADD TO ESTIMATE.

For Cloud SQL, let's use second generation instances running on db-n1-standard-1 Compute Engine instances. We'll want one database running in high-availability. For storage, we estimate 20 GB will suffice, and we'll allocate an additional 20 GB to backups:

  1. Click on the CLOUD SQL tab.
  3. Set Number of instances to 1.
  4. Set SQL Instance Type to db-n1-standard-1 ...

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