If we go back and look at the audio cues that are required, there are four distinct audio cues, and hence we are going to create a component with five embedded <audio> tags (two audio tags work together for next-up audio).
From the command line go to the trainer/src/app/workout-runner folder and add a new WorkoutAudioComponent component using Angular CLI.
Open workout-audio.component.html and replace the existing view template with this HTML snippet:
<audio #ticks="MyAudio" loop src="/assets/audio/tick10s.mp3"></audio><audio #nextUp="MyAudio" src="/assets/audio/nextup.mp3"></audio><audio #nextUpExercise="MyAudio" [src]="'/assets/audio/' + nextupSound"></audio><audio #halfway="MyAudio" src="/assets/audio/15seconds.wav"></audio> ...