Creating WorkoutAudioComponent for audio support

If we go back and look at the audio cues that are required, there are four distinct audio cues, and hence we are going to create a component with five embedded <audio> tags (two audio tags work together for next-up audio).

From the command line go to the trainer/src/app/workout-runner folder and add a new WorkoutAudioComponent component using Angular CLI. 

Open workout-audio.component.html and replace the existing view template with this HTML snippet:

<audio #ticks="MyAudio" loop src="/assets/audio/tick10s.mp3"></audio><audio #nextUp="MyAudio" src="/assets/audio/nextup.mp3"></audio><audio #nextUpExercise="MyAudio" [src]="'/assets/audio/' + nextupSound"></audio><audio #halfway="MyAudio" src="/assets/audio/15seconds.wav"></audio> ...

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