Appendix. What Does the Community Think About Micro-Frontends?

Throughout this book, we have discussed what micro-frontends are, how we can create a micro-frontend architecture, and what the socio-technical impact of this paradigm is. As explained in Chapter 1, many companies have implemented micro-frontends in production in many different ways.

I interviewed several industry professionals who are embracing micro-frontends in their organizations to share the breadth of uses. The following are interviews with tech leads, architects, and developers sharing their development challenges with micro-frontend projects.

Enjoy the interviews!

Nimisha Asthagiri, Chief Architect at edX

Please introduce yourself.

Nimisha Asthagiri is chief architect at edX, where she actively drives strategic initiatives to implement an intentional architecture for the next generation of large-scale online learning. Since joining edX in 2014, she spent countless hours tackling problems of distributed computing and scalability. Now, she focuses on taming a monolithic architecture, redesigning the platform for the future of learning, and aligning the edX development community on sound design principles and practices.

Nimisha is passionate about education as an avenue to inspire and improve the lives of many. edX is a global nonprofit, open source platform for education and learning.

What is your experience with micro-frontends?

Two years ago, we began replatforming our architecture so the frontend is decoupled ...

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