Appendix A. XML Helper Packages

This appendix includes the PL/SQL package implementations for the XML helper packages we used back in Chapter 5:

  • xml

  • xmldoc

  • xpath

  • xslt

  • http

This appendix also contains instructions on how to install these packages in your Oracle8i database.

Installing the XML Helper Packages

To install all of the XML helper packages we used in Chapter 5, follow these steps:

  1. Change directory to the ./examples/appa directory, which contains the files for this appendix.

  2. Connect as SYS using SQL*Plus and run the install_sys_helper_packages.sql:

    sqlplus sys/change_on_install @install_sys_helper_packages.sql
  3. Compile and use loadjava to load it into the database as SYS:

    loadjava -verbose -resolve -user sys/change_on_install PropertyHelper.class
  4. Connect as XMLBOOK using SQL*Plus and run the install_helper_packages.sql script:

    sqlplus xmlbook/xmlbook @install_helper_packages.sql:

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