“Corporate leaders should always remain pragmatic in their approaches for business dealings but at the same time not compromise their core values. They should not be constrained by dogmas, past practices, precedence or bureaucracies. However, corporate leaders will need courage to make some of their pragmatic solutions.”

Work-life Balance – Is It a Zero Sum Game?

Dear Colleagues,

Last month I gave a talk to several high-potential students from the engineering faculty at National University of Singapore (NUS). One student politely asked me, “Sir, you have great career achievements and you still shoulder many responsibilities. How have you achieved work-life balance all these years”? Wow, I thought, this young man hasn't even graduated or worked a single day and he is asking about work-life balance!

I jokingly replied that such a delicate question was previously only asked by people who did not wish to exert themselves in work and who only sought pleasure in life. But this is now a frequently asked question, posed not only by my working colleagues but also by many Singaporeans, especially the younger ones. As someone who has worked for 43 years, and who still wishes to work, let me give you my personal and frank take on ...

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