Appendix DMeasurement Instruments

acoustic camera
microphone array that is used to localize and identify sound sources; can be two‐ or three‐dimensional
device that measures the albedo, which is the proportion of light reflected by the Earth’s surface (%); typically consisting of two pyranometers, with one measuring the direct solar radiation and the other measuring the reflected radiation
device to capture wind speed (m/s); may be a cup‐type, vane or hot‐wire anemometer
balances and scales
instruments that measure the weight of an object (kg)
carbon dioxide meter
device that captures the presence and concentration of CO2; may be a non‐dispersive infrared (NDIR) or chemical sensor
carbon monoxide meter
instrument that detects the presence of CO; typical sensors are of the opto‐chemical, biomimetic, electrochemical or semiconductor type
a device that measures the colour of surfaces
clamp meter
a meter that has two arms that ‘clamp’ around an electrical wire, allowing it to measure the electric current in that wire
electrical multimeter
device that measures electrical voltage (V or U), resistance (Ω) and current (I)
flow meter
device that establishes the flow rate of a liquid or gas (m3/s)
gloss meter
instrument that measures the specular reflection of a surface in Gloss Units (GU)
heat flux sensor
instrument that captures the heat flow in watts (W) through a surface
illuminance meter
instrument that captures the incident luminous flux in lux (lx) on a surface
infrared ...

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