© Mohit Thakkar 2020
M. ThakkarBuilding React Apps with Server-Side Renderinghttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5869-9_2

2. Introducing React.js

Mohit Thakkar1 
Vadodara, Gujarat, India

React.js is an open source JavaScript library created by Facebook in May 2013. It is used for building user interfaces. The best part about React is that it uses a declarative style of programming rather than an imperative style. While the former one specifies the compiler what to do, the latter one also has to specify how to do it. Thus, programming with React results in less code.

In this chapter, we will understand the underlying principles of React, one at a time. We will also see how each principle works in practice. If you have studied the previous chapter, ...

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